Downloadable Census Data in Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets |
These spreadsheets require Microsoft Excel and contain data for more
detailed groupings than the tables and charts on this Web site. To
download a spreadsheet, right-click to "Save Target As..." and choose a place to save the worksheets on your
computer. Once downloaded and opened in Excel, select "File--Print" to print the pre-defined print
areas. Each spreadsheet contains formulas referring to the raw data
in the bottom layer extracted from Summary Files 1 or 3 (or layers in the
demographic profile). The definitions
of the raw data from the short-form (initial release) are found in
Data Dictionary for Summary File 1 and
for the long-form in
Data Dictionary for Summary
File 3 (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) from the
U.S. Census Bureau, Department of Commerce.
Demographic Profile
This spreadsheet contains the raw
data for Hennepin County, Minneapolis, and Hennepin County suburbs from
the demographic profile released in June 2002 by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The topics cover the long-form questions on income, poverty, education,
immigration, language spoken at home, housing, and many other topics sent to a
sample of households, but the technical
documentation (starting on page 9) is needed to define the meaning of all
of the data. Some tables and charts from the profiles are posted in this web
site. The general profile tables published by the U.S. Census Bureau for
Hennepin County and
Minneapolis (PDF
files) provide descriptions
and rates for selected topics.
Age Groups
Persons by five-year age
groups and single-year age groups persons under age 20 by Hennepin County
School Districts, 2000
by five-year age groups and single-year age groups persons under age 20 by
Minneapolis neighborhoods, 2000
Total population and children
age 0 to 17 by Hennepin County cities, 1990-2000
Total population and children
age 0 to 17 by Minneapolis neighborhoods, 1990-2000
in total population and adults age 18 and over by Hennepin County cities,
in total population and adults age 18 and over by Minneapolis neighborhoods,
Family Types
Children ages 0 to
5 and 0 to 17 by relationship to householder, Hennepin County School
Districts, 2000
ages 0 to 5 and 0 to 17 by relationship to householder, Minneapolis
neighborhoods, 2000
Number of households and families with children age 0 to
17, Minneapolis neighborhoods, 2000 (This counts households and
families--not number of children or adults as in the above spreadsheets.)
Hispanics / Latinos
age groups, Hennepin County School Districts, 2000
Hispanic/Latino age groups, Minneapolis neighborhoods, 2000
in Hispanics/Latinos 1990 to 2000, Minneapolis neighborhoods, 2000
and Hispanic/Latino distribution of Hennepin County adults age 18 and
over by City, 2000
Racial Composition
Racial composition:
counts of persons choosing one race only, counts of total tallies by race
including persons choosing more than one race, and Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity,
Minneapolis neighborhoods, 2000
Racial composition
of children in age groups 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, and 15-17, Hennepin County School
Districts, 2000
composition of children in age groups 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, and 15-17,
Minneapolis neighborhoods, 2000
composition of elderly age groups 65 and Over, Hennepin County cities,
composition of adults age 18 and Over and pie charts, Hennepin County
cities, 2000
Children below poverty by age
and race,
Minneapolis and Hennepin County, 1999
Migration and Language
(Summary File 3)
Residence in 1995, Population
Age 5 and Over in 2000, Minneapolis Neighborhoods and Hennepin County
Place of birth, Minneapolis
neighborhoods and Hennepin County total, 2000
Detailed languages spoken
at home by population age 5 and over, Minneapolis and Hennepin totals,
Language spoken at home by
population age 5 and over, Minneapolis neighborhoods and Hennepin County
total, 2000
Poverty and Income
(Summary File 3)
Ratio of income relative to
poverty line, Minneapolis neighborhoods and Hennepin County total, 1999
Ratio of income
relative to poverty line, Minneapolis communities and Hennepin County
total, 1989 and 1999
Below poverty by age group,
Minneapolis neighborhoods and Hennepin County total, 1999
Children below poverty by age
and race,
Minneapolis and Hennepin County, 1999
Aggregate and per capita
income, Minneapolis neighborhoods and Hennepin County total, 1999
Family income by race
of householder, Minneapolis and Hennepin County, 1999
Minneapolis neighborhoods for each race are shown in separate worksheet
layers below the top summary sheet.
tenure and average household and family size, Minneapolis neighborhoods,
Housing tenure and number
of persons in households, Minneapolis neighborhoods, 2000
Housing tenure and
average household and family size, Hennepin County school districts, 2000
of persons living in a household by ownership, Hennepin County school
districts, 2000
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