Hennepin County
Data: Children by Family Type |
U.S. Census 2000, Tables,
Maps, and Charts
Hennepin County School Districts and Minneapolis Neighborhoods
Note: The U.S. Census Bureau defines the householder as "Person 1",
who is
the first person who filled out the questionnaire.
The householder is not necessarily the oldest person in the household or the
primary caretaker. Therefore, relationships to householder do not always
exclude the presence of other family members, such as unmarried partners,
grandparents, or parents living in three-generation families where the
grandparent is the householder.
Charts of children age 0-17 and 0-5 by relationship
to householder, Hennepin County and Minneapolis, 2000
Table on
change in the number of children by relationship to householder,
Hennepin County, suburbs, and Minneapolis, 1990-2000
on percent of children age 0-17 by relationship to householder and
Hennepin County school districts, 2000
Map of percent of households headed by single-parents, 2000 (in Adobe Acrobat--if
you do not have a copy of the free Adobe Reader, click
here. )
Downloadable Excel spreadsheets with
more detailed data on relationships

Charts by Percent of Total Children:

Footnote: Group quarters includes homeless shelters, group homes,
dormitories, jails, and institutions. "Other" includes a
few minors who are heads of households themselves.